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Translation / 27 July 2022

Translation of QuarkXPress files

At Leemeta, we work with files the clients export directly from DTP programs, such as InDesign and Affinity Publisher, all the time.

In this article, however, we will discuss the translation of files exported from QuarkXPress.


About QuarkXPress

Among DTP specialists, there is probably no one who has not heard of QuarkXPress.

In 1990, QuarkXPress was used by 95% of all DTP specialists, but then its use decreased, as it was thoroughly overtaken by InDesign.

However, QuarkXPress is slowly rising from the ashes and a client of Leemeta has ordered a translation of a catalogue in that program.


The challenge we encountered with that program was that we did not know how to export and import the files to our translation program called memoQ.


In order to provide the client with a consistent translation of the large catalogue, we addressed the challenges our way (under the motto: only challenges, no obstacles). laugh


How we addressed the issue

First, we browsed through the internet and tested the existing programs for the export and import of texts into QuarkXPress. It turned out that there are no functioning solutions that would allow the export from and import to QuarkXPress or that the programming companies have not regularly updated the already existing programs with newer versions of QuarkXPress.

We could not even find a working solution in cooperation with the official support team of QuarkXPress experts. A ray of hope appeared after reviewing the documentation on the official QuarkXPress website.

QuarkXPress uses an internal script language that provides the basic software functions for working with texts. Of course, we were still light years away from a functioning solution, but the discovery of the internal script language within QuarkXPress enabled us to embark on a journey to our final solution.

Our IT department started learning a new programming language and conducting the first tests in QuarkXPress. After about a week of silence and development, the program for exporting/importing texts was ready for the first tests by our DTP department. Of course, not everything went smoothly. Up to the current version of 1.4, we tested about four working versions of the program, and our internal DTP department has contributed to the final solution.


How the export/import program works



  1. Client’s QuarkXPress file
  2. Export of the text
  3. File, suitable for import to a CAT program
  4. QuarkXPress final file with inserted translation
  5. File, suitable for import to QuarkXPress
  6. Translation of the text


The translation of the QuarkXPress files is certainly one of the toughest challenges we have faced in our translation agency. Solutions we found on the web didn’t work or weren’t updated, so the entire team had to work together and create a program that enabled us to find a solution for the translation of QuarkXPress files.




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